If you read this article you may have caught yourself recently putting one thing (or more) in your cart you initially didn’t have on your shopping list. During the last years I learned the hard way that my impulse buying […]...
First, I would like to make sure everyone gets a good understanding and can have realistic expectations about this post. This is not (!) a “consumption is evil” article. On the contrary. I am a consumer. You are. We all […]...
Studies showed the money beliefs of our kids are settled by age 7! They start to grasp how we treat money at the early age of 3. I knew I want to teach my young children how to invest for […]...
Our family’s initial goal was traditional F.I.R.E. – we wanted to retire EARLY. We were obsessed with saving more money to then invest more money into our investment portfolio (ETFs). In just 4 years we’ve built up a 100.000 Euro [&...
Finding the best SAFE investment to fund YOUR dream of early retirement can seem hard. In this post we make it simple. You’ll learn about the 7 best SAFE Index Funds for F.I.R.E. – for Europeans and everyone else. In […]...
After giving birth to my second daughter I went on parental leave for 2 years. We were on a tight budget. The last thing I considered was investing money. Even if I‘ve already invested money for years into a brokerage […]...
In this post, I reveal our family‘s story from pursing traditional F.I.R.E. to considering Semi FI so that we can enjoy real work-life balance for our family faster than thought is possible. I will do this by providing a guide […]...